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We have a growing Facebook group. Join us!


Write to us at to get a button and a bumper sticker. They're free! Displaying them helps spread the word and shows that we have your support.

Button pic.jpg


Please let your provincial and municipal representatives know that you care about this topic. Call, send an email or write a hand-written letter. 


Print one of our window signs and place it in your window. 


Sign our petition at, which calls for halting the development plans, returning the Eisner Cove Wetland to public ownership, and preserving the area in its wild state. 


 An online petition is great, but it cannot be presented to the Nova Scotia Legislature. For that we need a written petition. You can help by printing a copy of our written petition and collecting signatures. When it's full, let us know ( or drop it off at the address on the petition.  Here's the petition!


We have an ongoing effort to document the wild flora and fauna that live in the wetland and it's surroundings. This activity is called a Bio Blitz. You go for a walk through the area, take pictures of what you see, and upload the photos to the iNaturalist collection for Eisner Cove Wetland for identification. It's a lovely way to help and very important work. For more information on our BioBlitz events, go here.


We would very much appreciate a donation to our non-profit society.


We need money for printing and supplies, as well as some reports and resources that we have to pay for. We are hoping to raise enough to get some legal services. As well, since the province and developers aren't planning to do an Environmental Assessment, we are hoping to do one ourselves. A donation would really help.


You can send an e-transfer directly to our email address (money is deposited directly into the Society's account) or donate on our GoFundMe page


We are not a registered charity, just a non-profite, so we cannot issue receipts for tax deductions. 


We need volunteers for everything from research, outreach, social media, to handing out flyers and distributing petitions. Send us a note, we have a job for you. 


We'd love to hear from you. Ask a question, send us information, or share your thoughts. Contact links are below. 

You can also print one of our window signs and place it in your window.

We should soon have lawn signs as well. Stay tuned. 

Local Groups Supporting Us

We are getting lots of support from groups right here in Nova Scotia. Check out these wonderful local groups working hard to preserve Nova Scotia's natural resources. Many thanks to our friends at:


Writing to Local Leaders

When you write to government it helps to include the Clerks email address and to request the clerks to enter your letter in the formal record. Please send your support letters to all councilors and  local MLAs, as well as the Premier, the Ministers of Housing and Environment, and the Housing Task Force.


Feel free to copy us as well, using the email address below. 


Here is a quick list of email addresses for letters.

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